British Museum x Gamar Augmented Reality


What better way to cap the end of the 6 weeks holiday and ease the children back into learning than a trip to the British Museum in Central London. One of the capitals leading attractions the museum first opened its doors way back in 1753 as a museum of the world, for the world. But now it seems they have, quite literally, added a whole new dimension to their Ancient Greece exhibit with the addition of the Gamar app.

The Majestic British Museum

The Majestic British Museum

The Iconic Great Court

The Iconic Great Court

Those genius’ at Gamar have pain-stakingly captured the Parthenon exhibit room complete with all its relics to literally bring them to life through augmented reality software. Augmented-what-now? I hear you cry. Well it’s a very clever bit of software that uses tablet or smart phone cameras along with a free app to turn a museum tour into a fully interactive gaming experience.

The Grandiose Parthenon Room

The Grandiose Parthenon Room

We got to grips with one of the games available called ‘A Gift For Athena’ – Which tells the story of the Ancient mythical goddess Athena as captured on the relics from the original Parthenon structure. It’s a clue based game which has participants wandering around the exhibit room, not with their head in a tablet but, fully immersed in the exhibition trying to match relics, which when found come to life giving further puzzles, even battles, to master before moving on.

In rAPPture - Sorry, I'll get my coat

In rAPPture – Sorry, I’ll get my coat

Resurrecting Relics

Resurrecting Relics

The whole experience was excellent and most of all it becomes a story that is never forgotten, learning through play! (A lot more fun then thumbing through a dusty text book in our opinion.)

Enthralled and Immersed

Enthralled and Immersed

The app is available now as a free download with both Google Play and App Store platforms. Each game is then priced at £2.49. Schools, larger groups and family visitors can take full advantage of the Samsung tablets available within the onsite Samsung Digital Discovery Centre.

Gamar on Android

Gamar on Android

Gamar on the App Store

Gamar on the App Store

Popcorn Edit | How To Train Your Dragon 2

Film, Kids

The kids, my nephew and I were thoroughly excited to go along to the advance screening of DreamWorks How To Train Your Dragon 2 last Sunday. Admittedly my son and I caught up with the original How To Train Your Dragon the day before yesterday but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Such an original story!

DreamWorks's 2010 Original How to Train Your Dragon

DreamWorks’s 2010 Original How to Train Your Dragon

Anticipation was high for the sequel as we had no idea what the story would be now. We caught a glimpse of the trailer shown during the Rio 2 screening but it gave nothing away! And neither will I! All you need to know that it is a journey of discovery with Hiccup now 5 years older. He must discover who he is in order to become the person he needs to be for his family and all of Berk.

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

In short the film was EPIC. It has to be labelled as a blockbuster! And I don’t use that term lightly. It was even more original, engaging, emotional and hilarious than the original and the animation was the best we have ever seen. The Alpha dragons were awesome. Watch out for the scene where the alpha rises from the sea, the animation is amazing. So detailed. The cloud surfing scene which was part of the aforementioned trailer was awesome too, where Hiccup first encounters the mysterious dragon rider and the dragons lair scene are all proud moments that will take your breath away.

The Alpha Dragon

The Alpha Dragon

There was a point in the movie when we were left wondering how it would end – in that we did not see it coming (its so hard not to give anything away!!!) We also loved the growth of Hiccup and the underlying message of peace and harmony between man and err… Dragon.

It had it all! I had no expectations but I – we – (ha haa! Typo!) were left thoroughly entertained and we had adjective diarrhea all the way home talking about it.

The Whole Gang

The Whole Gang

Enjoying the XBox Video Game

Enjoying the XBox Video Game

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Go and see this movie. It comes out in the UK on July 11th. You will not be disappointed. Well worth seeing in 3D too.

Blackheath Beach @ The Conservatoire


We love London in the summer and we love it even more when we discover pop up beaches on our doorstep. That’s exactly what The Conservatoire, Blackheath’s local independent arts centre, has done. And the best part is that’s it completely free.

Beach Sighted in Blackheath, London, SE3

Beach Sighted in Blackheath, London, SE3

The Conservatoire, led by its passionate chief executive, Sydney Thornbury, have experienced somewhat of a reinvigoration of late. With a variety of arts based activities on offer at present they have now converted their courtyard into an impromptu beach complete with beach hut, live music, bar, pop up cafe and street food!

Golden Sands of Blackheath

Golden Sands of Blackheath

We were invited to the first full day and had a blast. It amazing what some soft sand in between your toes can do to lift your spirits. We even got a little creative with some beach sculptures.



Running Man

Running Man

The Conservatoire have a weekly list of activities at the beach so you can plan your visit.

And Why Not?!!!

And Why Not?!!!

As I said its completely free but to avoid ‘working-from-home’ business men from taking up all the space, places are allocated in 2-hour time slots.
Guests will need to pick up a wristband from reception upon arrival at the Conservatoire. For a small fee, visitors are able to pre-book a limited amount of spots online in advance or you can ring them on the day you’d like to come and they’ll book you a wristband for your chosen time slot: 020 8852 0234.